Wednesday, August 14, 2013

The little things that kill.

Just a couple of interesting things I found out while rigging batman.

  1. If you like a perfectly clean rig NEVER turn on show auxiliary nodes. You will find yourself staring down a couple hundred un-named nodes, like group IDs and trying to discern where they come from and how to name them will drive you up a wall. In my opinion just leave the aux nodes alone unless you need to edit them.
  2. DO NOT Rigid bind unless you are sure you need the functionality of a rigid bind. A parent constraint works just as well and with less nodes than a rigid bind. For a parent it creates one node, for a rigid bind it creates at least 3 if not more depending on how you apply the rigid bind
  3. Dual Quaternion Skinning weights are not always your friend, specifically on the leg to groin area. The problem is the skin from the groin to leg stretches linearly not rotationally so you get unwanted bulging on the inner thigh when the legs spread apart.
  4. Never Ever Ever assume that the way you were shown was the right and only way to do things. If we never question we will keep repeating the same unseen mistakes.
Just a couple things. Bon Appetit.

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